
​Golf Cart Seat Belts | How to Install Video | Installing a Golf Cart Seat Belt

May 30th 2018

In this video, we demonstrate how to properly install seat belts on a Club Car DS Golf Cart with a rear seat. The seat belt bar has already been installed.

First, the demonstrator notes there are two options for seatbelts: a lap belt or a retractable type. The retractable type of seatbelt is the one featured in this video.

After feeding the seat belt bolt through on the inside of the cart, the demonstrator places the belt into position over the bolt and places a set washer over the bolt.

Next, a flat washer, a split washer and a nut are placed into position, in that order.

Using 14 mm and 17 mm wrenches, the demonstrator tightens the bolts, so the seatbelt is secured in place.

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